We say NO to plastic packaging

Virtually all of the plastic that has ever been made still exists today as it stays in the environment for up to 1,000 years, and we produce around 335 million tonnes of plastic each year - that is roughly the same weight as all of humanity combined! Our reliance on plastic is devastating to the environment with 13 million tonnes of plastic entering the ocean each year meaning that there will be more plastic than fish by 2050! A massive 50% of the plastic we use is single use so making simple changes could drastically reduce the amount of plastic pollution we produce.
Everyone is talking about climate change and how carbon emissions, especially those produced from oil should be curtailed. Plastics are produced from oil and by themselves present a huge problem for the environment. So maybe if we focused on reducing the use of plastic we could help solve both problems. Immunade is packaged in Omnidigradable pouches with the following advantages:

  • are the ONLY films Shelf-Stable indefinitely – will not break down on the shelf
  • Biodegrades in Oceans, Lakes, Soil, Home Composts, Landfills, Swamps, Forests, etc
  • will revert to their original elements harmlessly, quickly and completely and are Beneficial to Plant Growth
  • have Scientifically Proven technology – Independent Lab and University Studies
  • replaces virtually all types of plastics, simply and effectively

With IMMUNADE we are looking forward to a plastic free future!