• What is ImmunAde?
    Experience the synergy of a dietary supplement, functional food, and microbiome therapy fused into a single product. Derived from pasteurized whole eggs, it offers a natural source of passive immunity. Our formula comprises natural immunity infused, pasteurized, and spray-dried whole egg, along with dextrose and a touch of natural flavor, ensuring an authentic and wholesome blend of ingredients.
  • ImmunAde …
    supports your immune system in effectively fulfilling its vital role of safeguarding your health. Your immune system plays a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance of the myriad microorganisms in your gut microbiome. When there's an overabundance of harmful bacteria, it leads to Dysbiosis, triggering inflammation and potentially contributing to various health conditions. Dysbiosis also signifies a lagging immune response. ImmunAde aids your immune system in catching up and staying ahead, ensuring optimal functionality.
  • So back to the question, what is ImmunAde?
    Actual immunity, or in scientific terms “passive immunity”. Mothers transfer immunity to their offspring to help protect them from disease until their own immune system develops. A regular egg is a natural source of this immunity, which due to our special processing technique is made available for your benefit in ImmunAde.
  • How does ImmunAde work?
    Seventy-five percent of your body's immune defenses, crucial for fighting disease, are located in your gastrointestinal tract. This is logical since your GI tract, beginning from your mouth, serves as the primary entry point for most substances into your body, demanding a robust defense system. Similar to vigilant bouncers at a nightclub door, it's a constant struggle to admit the beneficial elements while expelling the harmful ones. Incorporating ImmunAde into your daily routine is akin to bolstering your defenses with additional bouncers.
  • When should I take ImmunAde?
    ImmunAde boasts exceptional nutrition, with twenty lozenges or two heaping teaspoons (10 grams) of powder equivalent to consuming half an egg. We term it "functional nutrition" because, while it offers substantial nutritional benefits, it also provides a natural immunity boost, enhancing your immune system's ability to promote digestive and overall health. Personally, I incorporate 10 lozenges into my daily routine before breakfast and bedtime. In case of any emerging concerns, I increase the dosage to 40 lozenges or 20 grams of powder to ensure comprehensive control.
    Don't get caught without it!
  • Is ImmunAde Expensive?
    Depending on your needs, ImmunAde offers remarkable affordability. If you're investing thousands in traveling to a less developed country, spending a few bucks to minimize bathroom visits during your trip is a wise investment. While many benefits are long-term and typically priced at $2.00 per day, consider the potential savings compared to other products. If ImmunAde aids your immune system in addressing issues like joint pain, asthma, and chronic digestive problems without the adverse effects of competing alternatives, it's a cost-effective solution. Additionally, consider the value of ImmunAde's food antibodies collaborating with your immune system to aid in weight loss or reduce the risk of age-related diseases. What price can you put on living a longer, healthier life with daily immune system support? ImmunAde offers an innovative and economical approach to achieving and maintaining health over the long term. It’s Intelligent Affordable Healthcare and thousands less than other antibody treatments.
  • Are there any special instructions or restrictions?
    For optimal storage, keep ImmunAde in a cool and dry location, such as a refrigerator (where I personally store mine). Avoid heating or mixing it with hot liquids, and refrain from taking it with acidic beverages. If you have an egg allergy, do not consume ImmunAde.